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Online • Wed April 24, 2024 • 9AM EST • 3PM CEST

Crafting Your First AR Application with ARwayKit

author Team


April 25, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Essential Setup Requirements: The blog emphasizes the importance of setting up the right development environment for AR applications, detailing the need to install Unity and download ARwayKit as fundamental steps.
  • Integration and Configuration: It highlights the process of integrating ARwayKit into a Unity project, including importing the package and installing any necessary dependencies, as well as configuring the SDK using API credentials from the ARway Creator Portal.
  • Development and Customization: The guide outlines how developers can use sample scenes provided by ARwayKit to understand its capabilities and encourages customization of these scenes or creation of new ones to develop unique AR experiences.
  • Testing and Debugging: It underscores the importance of thorough testing and debugging across different devices to ensure the AR application performs well, advising developers to iterate based on feedback to refine the application.
  • Publication Strategy: The blog provides a roadmap for preparing and submitting the AR application to platforms like Google Play Store and Apple App Store, ensuring developers understand the steps to take their project from development to public availability.

Augmented Reality (AR) is reshaping interactions between digital and physical worlds, offering exciting opportunities for developers. ARwayKit provides a comprehensive toolkit for those looking to create immersive AR experiences. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to develop and publish your first AR application using ARwayKit.

Setting Up Your Development Environment:

Starting your AR development journey requires a solid foundation. Here’s how to prepare:

  1. Install Unity: As the backbone for many AR applications, Unity is crucial for your development. Start by downloading Unity Hub and the Unity Editor, making sure they are compatible with ARwayKit. Unity Download Page
  2. Download ARwayKit: Access the SDK through ARway’s GitHub page or their official website. This kit includes essential assets and scripts for your AR development.

Creating a New Unity Project:

Setting up your project correctly is fundamental:

  1. Start a New Project: Open Unity Hub and create a new project, opting for a 3D template to ensure you have the right base for an AR application.
  2. Configure Your Project: Name your project and select a storage location on your system that allows for easy access and management.

Integrating ARwayKit:

To bring AR capabilities into your project, integrate the ARwayKit:

  1. Import the SDK: Within Unity, go to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package and choose the SDK file you downloaded.
  2. Install Dependencies: Unity may prompt you to install additional dependencies; follow these prompts to ensure a smooth setup.

Configuring ARwayKit:

Proper configuration connects your project with ARway’s cloud services:

  1. API Credentials: Retrieve your Account ID and Secret Key by registering on the ARway Creator Portal.
  2. SDK Settings: Enter these credentials in ARwayKit settings panel within Unity to authenticate and activate the SDK’s features.

Developing and Customizing Your AR Application:

With everything in place, start building your AR experience:

  1. Explore Sample Scenes: ARwayKit includes several sample scenes that demonstrate the SDK’s capabilities. Use these as a learning tool and inspiration.
  2. Customize Your Content: Enhance the sample scenes or build your own from scratch by integrating 3D models, interactive elements, and custom UI components.

Testing and Debugging:

Ensure your app works flawlessly across different devices:

  1. Build and Test: Regularly compile your application and test it on various devices to ensure compatibility and performance.
  2. Iterate Based on Feedback: Utilize feedback from testing phases to refine and improve the application’s functionality and user experience.

Publishing Your Application:

When you’re ready to share your AR application with the world:

  1. Prepare for Deployment: Optimize your app for different platforms, ensuring it meets all technical requirements.
  2. Submit Your App: Follow the submission guidelines for platforms like the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to get your app published.


Using ARwayKit, developers have access to powerful tools to create detailed and interactive AR experiences. By following this guide, you can build an AR application that stands out in the growing AR landscape.

Contact Us

Start your AR development journey with ARwayKit today! For more detailed guides and resources, visit ARway SDK Documentation, and connect with a community of innovative AR developers.

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Embrace the Future with ARway

Discover how ARway’s advanced technology stack can transform your approach to augmented reality. Whether you’re a developer seeking robust AR tools or a business looking to innovate, our technology is the foundation for your next big leap.